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Spring concert 2025 - codes

CODES is a collaborative performance created as a gift to the city of Amsterdam in celebration of its 750th anniversary, during the Opera Forward Festival 2025. Directed by Gregory Caers, the production brings together performers, first- and second-year students from MBO Theaterschool Rotterdam, the VU Choir, and a small music ensemble. It be will be the first time ever for the VU choir to be on the main stage of the National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam.

In a city renowned for its diversity of religions and cultures, CODES seeks to explore and create rituals that are accessible and meaningful to all. With fewer people feeling a connection to specific religions, the yearning for connection in a polarized world is perhaps greater than ever. It is human nature to share strong emotions—such as joy, sorrow, or mourning—and to express them collectively as a community. To achieve this, Caers and his team will delve into the origins of various religions and rites, tracing back even further to the cradle of human harmony. Through this process, CODES will depict rituals that embody the spirit of a multicultural city, offering a unifying experience for all who participate and witness it.

Musical direction  Bas Gaakeer
Stage direction  Gregory Caers
Set design  Karel Vanhooren 
Costume design  Gerbrand Bos
Assistant costumes  Eva Arends
Lighting design  Dennis Diels
Choreography  Shara Maaskant and Ada Daniele
Dramaturgy  Jasmijn van Wijnen
Documentary filmmaker  Pascal Poissonnier

Performers: Elise Bruinen, Steven van Oudshoorn, Nara Gonçalves, Dimitri Nijsse, Hannah Lak, Layla Mino, Nena Bouwhuis, Yanna Notterdam, Liv Paszkiewicz, Zon Donze, Daan Hogervorst, Rugia Bangura 

First- and second-year students of MBO Theaterschool Rotterdam


Synths, keys, electronics  Jarno van Es
E-drums  Jonathan Szegedi
Bass gitar / synth bass  Kay Hasselbaink
Percussion  Ezgi Elkirmiş
Ney  Sinan Arat
Kemence  Emine Bostanci
Clarinet  Georgia Siama
Cello  Hadewych van Gent
Gitar  Bas Gaakeer

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